Home Landscaping How the sensors will affect the offices of the future?

How the sensors will affect the offices of the future?

by miamigardens

The American furniture company Havorth believes that sensory technologies can improve the design and comfort of modern offices. Its employees came to the conclusion that sensors can contribute to a healthier and happy working environment by tracking personnel preferences.

With proper use, this technology can turn offices into places where employees will feel good and comfortable throughout the working day.

Sensors can be used to monitor a wide range of factors that affect the happiness of workers. Havort experts came to the conclusion that sensors can make work more pleasant by conducting an extensive own study.

For example, you can install movement sensors that will control the use of space by personnel, which will give data to create more effective layouts. But the most important achievements in the field of personalization of environmental indicators using sensors – the intensity of light for each employee, cooling or heating, etc.P. Sensors can track air and sound indicators, which will help to build the engineering systems of the office.


Haworth even looked into the future, suggesting that in the future employees could wear biometric sensors that would evaluate anxiety, boredom, stress, as well as poor posture, screen time, heart rate, temperature, skin moisturizing, and t.P.

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