Home Interior Geyser or Aquaphor which is better

Geyser or Aquaphor which is better

by miamigardens

Water is vital. All living things on the planet will not be able to live without water, and a person is no exception. Under our conditions, it is extremely important to drink clean water. But can urban treatment systems provide humanity with such water? Are there enough of them to drink it without impurity of dangerous substances?

Therefore, those who care about their health understand the need to acquire a water filter. People tend to believe in all advertising, and they buy a vessel in the most ordinary supermarket, in which, supposedly, a miracle filter that can cleanse water from everything in the world.

Therefore, if you really want to drink really cleaner water, this issue should be more serious. Which filter to choose: geyser or aquaphor? What’s better? This can only be determined by personal experience.

What filter is needed for water


When choosing a filter for drinking water, you need to immediately understand: this house of life should last a long time. Buying can significantly hit the budget. But it is also not worth determining a long time to determine for a long time, since a three -stage filter (for sink) is needed for the house).

Important: some believe: the more expensive the filter, the more high -quality it is. There is a certain logic in this: in more expensive filters, they use increasing rise elements, but they play not the most important role in water purification.

The principle of operation of a three -stage filter

The name speaks for itself. This filter cleans water in three stages.

The first, the most powerful, almost everything takes upon itself. When changing it, this filter is the most polluted and rusty. No matter how qualitatively the water is cleaned, it is still not clean enough, many impurities are gaining in old pipes, including rust, including.

The second filter involves a serious cleaning process. After replacement, he also does not look like a brand new.

The third is most often coal, and outwardly it remains almost pure. Cleans water from microscopic elements.

What is better: geyser or aquaphor

The filters are different. But if we talk specifically about these manufacturers, we can say that these well -known brands do not make sense to compare, since there is practically no difference between them.

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