Home Useful information How to equip a yard at home

How to equip a yard at home

by miamigardens

If you are increasingly thinking about how to equip the courtyard of the house, so that it becomes multifunctional and beautiful, then arm yourself with the appropriate literature, discard all doubts, turn on your imagination and get to work, because there is nothing better than relax in a beautiful and comfortable courtyard near your own Houses.

In order to equip the courtyard, which in the future will meet all your requirements, think about which zones it must be divided. Having broken the yard into several sites, you can place the necessary outbuildings, a garden, a recreation area, a playground, etc. According to the intended plan, divide the territory of the yard into sites, taking into account the interests of all family members. To equip the yard so that all family members feel comfortable in it – the main task.

It is best to start from the playground, which should be located so that you can observe from the window with your children. The place for games should be open and well visible, but you need to take care that the children do not overheat the sun.

It is best to hide farm buildings from prying eyes, for example, decorating their walls with curly plants.


The garden is better to highlight the illuminated area of ​​the yard, placing the beds behind decorative shrubs and flowers.

It is impossible to fully equip a yard without a recreation area. The lawn must be broken in the recreation area and it would be good to make a reservoir to which the alpine slide will be adjacent. A corner for relaxation will not do without flower beds that can be framed by a border tape, and lay the paths between them with paving bricks. Porcelain clinker brick is widely used in Europe to arrange tracks and sites of country houses, but in Russia its production is still in the initial stage of development, but, despite this, the clinker has already won the love of Russians. Thanks to the clinker, to equip the yard, creating a cozy environment in it, will not be difficult.

To equip a courtyard in which it will be possible to gather a company, do not forget about the place for the barbecue or barbecue. It is best to place them at the beginning of the recreation area, not far from them, placing a table and sitting places.

If you doubt your abilities, turn to professionals who will tell you how to equip the courtyard at home, and also help with the landscaping of the courtyard.

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