Home Interior SteelCase furniture manufacturer has developed a new format of office workplace based on psychology and neurobiology

SteelCase furniture manufacturer has developed a new format of office workplace based on psychology and neurobiology

by miamigardens

The American company SteelCase has developed new jobs – fully equipped cabins for working in the office. They can be closed (fenced with a design like office partitions) or open. Inside the cabin there is an office table, a laptop stand, a convenient working chair with a legs ottoman, as well as cabinets and office screens.

The new product of the company is called Brody Worklounge. This is a complex workplace created in order to reduce the degree of abstract from work and increase the performance of the employee due to convenience and conditions for the maximum concentration. The appearance is also impressive, which attracts even more attention to this development.

Brody Worklounge office workplace is developed on the basis of research and cognitive characteristics of a person. Numerous tests were analyzed, and their results became the basis for the design of the new cabin for working in the office. As a result, an office employee placed in such a booth experiences not only convenience (because the exact position of the furniture and its comfort is selected for him), but also the maximum concentration on his activity. Closed design with screens that provide confidentiality reduces the distraction that occur when we see something with our peripheral vision. The place is created in such a way that a person experiences psychological safety.

The workspace is also built in such a way as to maximize the accessible space with the ability to use autonomy.


The cost of a fully equipped booth with furniture and screens starts at $ 2700.


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