Home Design Aluminum radiators

Aluminum radiators

by miamigardens

Aluminum radiators.

At the beginning and middle of the 20th century, the premises were heated mainly with the help of bulky cast-iron radiators, but already in the 80s, a novelty began to be used in the newly built buildings-radiators from aluminum. Now all new buildings are equipped with aluminum heating devices.

Depending on the design of the heating system, two types of radiators are used: standard, designed for pressure in system 6 atmospheres, and enhanced, capable of withstanding loads up to 16 atmospheres. The first relatively inexpensive radiators are designed for heating private houses and small buildings with autonomous heating, in production or public premises.

Aluminum heating batteries are available in the form of structures ready to install with different sections. The number of sections when buying is determined by a simple formula: one section can heat 1.5-2 square meters of the area of ​​the room. That is, to maintain a comfortable temperature in a room of 18 square meters. m will require one or two batteries with a total of 10-12 sections (taking into account the height of the ceiling).


Together with the radiators, you need to purchase additional elements that will be needed when installing and connecting the battery to the heating system: couplings, plugs, taps (for example, Maevsky crane, American, etc. D.). The choice of elements depends on the installation site of the radiator, on the features of the laying of pipes and the type of heating system. It will be more reliable if the choice and installation of new radiators is completed by a qualified specialist who works in a company engaged in this type of work with the presence of an appropriate license.

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