Home Construction How to glue non woven wallpaper on the ceiling the secrets of the masters

How to glue non woven wallpaper on the ceiling the secrets of the masters

by miamigardens

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Over -ows are becoming more and more popular in everyday life. Every day their assortment becomes wider and wider. A variety of textures and drawings attract customers. In recent years, variations of ceilings are simply amazing. If you know how to glue non -woven wallpaper on the ceiling, this skill becomes pleasure.

Wallpaper on the ceiling is still fashionable or already last century

Ten years ago, in many houses you could see these wallpaper on the ceiling. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to stick wallpaper than to finish and paint the ceiling. But after much more often stretch or hinged ceilings began to occur.


Non -woven wallpaper in the interior design became relevant again. Thanks to the widest assortment, they are again with pleasure glued to the ceiling. Only ordinary white wallpapers remained in the past. Now this is a fundamentally new approach that implies modern trends.

Features of non -woven wallpaper

There are two types of these wallpaper:

on a non -woven basis;

Overnight wallpaper (completely).

The material has been used in industry and construction for a long time. The non -woven is compressed fibers of fabric and paper, which gives it strength.

Important: such pressed wallpapers are more resistant to abrasion.

Universality is that they are suitable for painting.

How to properly glue non -woven wallpaper on the ceiling

Important is the choice of glue. Typically, manufacturers indicate for what type of wallpaper it is intended. After that, it remains only to dilute it in accordance with the instructions.

Seven times measure cut once. Do not rush to pick up the scissors right away, only on condition that the squares of the ceiling are measured, the wallpaper stripes are calculated and, the most difficult, the drawing is compiled.

Roller apply glue to the ceiling, separately on the finished strip and gently glue the wallpaper on the ceiling. The edges are VSTOK.

Using a plastic spatula or a special roller, remove excess glue and smooth the surface from the center to the edges with a clean cloth. It is not very convenient to glue wallpaper on the ceiling. But the result justifies efforts, and working with non-woven wallpapers is much easier than with any other.

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