Home Construction Equip the small garden under the window

Equip the small garden under the window

by miamigardens

The arrangement of a small garden under the window of the house requires a certain skill, a share of a creative approach and love for the flora. The small garden has a lot of remarkable advantages: outlined boundaries and a clear form.And let the small size of the garden space not scare you: with due attention to the question and creative approach, every square centimeter of the garden will talk about your taste.

Determine the purpose of the future kindergarten. Will he be a kind of rest room with an open -air book? Then add delicate natural bends, serpentine flower beds and slightly careless vegetation to the design. Or maybe become a place for barbecue and gatherings with friends? In this option, use strict, geometrically correct forms; Separate the garden from the rest of the space with neatly trimmed parallelepiped bushes.

Do not forget that the kindergarten observed from the window should be combined with the interior decoration of the room. For little naive, forget -me -nots and chrysanthemums on the canopy of the chandelier Italy Khristal which is, as it were, “cheaper” in such a neighborhood. Also carefully study the local climate and climatic conditions for those plants that you want to decorate your garden. Follow the color scheme, try to build a contrasting composition – combine dark and bright plants.

In the design of the small garden, it is better to avoid fast -growing shrubs, as they can eventually violate the slender system of the garden. Pay attention to the flowers in the flowerpots – they are mobile, which means that they allow you to change the focus of the composition almost countless times. It is also important that vhazonic plants grow slowly.


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