Home Landscaping DIY bedroom arrangement

DIY bedroom arrangement

by miamigardens

They say that the repair cannot be finished – it can only be stopped. But if you do all the work with your own hands, knowing what you want to get in the end and, focusing on your own tastes, the repair ceases to be a problem.

For example, the arrangement of the bedroom. Comfort and comfort come first here. An important stage – preliminary planning. It is necessary to carefully consider where and how furniture, TV (and, accordingly, sockets) will be located, in what color scheme to select textiles and wallpaper.

The procedure for the work is standard – the removal of old coatings, installation of the wiring, replacing windows, preparation of walls and wallpaper gluing (painting). By the way, experts recommend the wallpaper for the walls of the bedrooms either paper or vinyl. The former are more environmentally friendly, the latter – durability.

Restriction for ceiling finishing – only the fantasy of the owners. Painting, wallpaper gluing, various combinations of stretch and drywall ceilings – the materials presented today in the construction market will allow you to realize all the ideas. By the way, spotlights are most easily mounted in a drywall or stretch ceiling. The most comfortable flooring for the bedroom is carpet. However, it is quite possible to limit yourself to a carpet, and on the floor to lay parquet, laminate or linoleum.


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