Home Interior Furniture


by miamigardens


It is no secret that the presence of antique furniture in the houses and apartments in modern society indicates the prosperity and high level of the well -being of the owners. Furniture gives the surrounding atmosphere a real note of historical greatness. Unfortunately, even with the most careful care, cracks and scratches appear on the surface of your headset or, for example, a beautiful old chest of drawers, loses a presentable look, as a result of which the furniture needs to be updated, and sometimes in complete restoration. As a rule, the restoration of furniture with your own hands involves the elimination of scratches and all kinds of scuffs. Recently, they often buy a strap for hours for the price for it average.

If you decide to give an old life to ancient things yourself, restore an antique thing, update an expensive product, while changing the color or shape, remember several small instructions: firstly, a comprehensive restoration implies a disassembly of furniture, its internal and external cleaning , repair of all fasteners and frames, if required, replacing individual elements, assembly.

Small scratches can be cleaned with a rashpil, after which it is necessary to re -clean the fine -grained sandpaper. After this procedure, treat the antique product with soil and restore the paintwork. If you need to mask or paint over cracks on a wooden surface, use soft wax or putty. When restoring the edges, use the restoration enamel. Various means for cleaning carpets and removing spots during washing will help remove all dust and dirt from upholstery upholstery. However, if your furniture is old. And you are not confident in your abilities, then you should seek help from professionals.


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