Home Landscaping History of the emergence of airography

History of the emergence of airography

by miamigardens

The first airbrushing on the car appeared thanks to sports competitions and races. At first, the airbrush drawing by car was a car number. Then sports cars began to be painted with advertising sponsors and won cups. Further airbrushing is rapidly starting to evolve. Drawings of animals, fire and other symbols appear. All these images on sports vehicles were not commercial. With the development of sports races and an increase in their sponsorship, not commercial airbrushing on sports cars disappeared, due to the high cost of each section of the car. In the early 40s, airbrushing is gaining popularity among the private sector. At this time, specialized firms begin to appear that provide the services of simple art airbrush in the car. In the 1950s, professional airbrushes of any complexity of the image on the surface of the car appeared in the USA and Europe. Airbushes to the territory of Russia came in the 80s. So later the appearance of this type of painting did not affect its development. She went through all the stages, starting from a regular can and ending with professional equipment, the price of which reaches several thousand dollars. Today, Russia occupies a leading place in car airbrushing.

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