Home Repair Home Wallpaper Choose correctly

Home Wallpaper Choose correctly

by miamigardens

Starting to repair our own apartment or house, we must first think about what kind of finishing materials will allow us to embody our own design ideas in a particular room. Wallpaper is only one of the possible decoration options. But if your choice is stopped precisely on them, the information below will be useful to you.

Types of wallpaper

Conditionally, the wallpaper can be classified into several groups, each of which we will briefly talk.

Paper wallpaper. Relatively cheap, but relatively short-lived, are characterized by low strength, burn out under direct UV rays. This category includes paper wallpaper Simmlex (one layer of paper) and duplex (two layers of paper).


Vinyl wallpapers. Non-toxic finishing material resistant to fungal lesions, wear and UV rays. The service life under favorable conditions can be about 15 years.

Floselywain wallpaper. This category includes purely non -woven wallpaper and woven wallpaper with the upper vinyl layer. Very durable and wear -resistant finishing material. The service life can be more than 10 years.

Textile wallpaper. The most exquisite and expensive type of wallpaper. The upper front textile layer can be applied to both paper and non -woven base. Most collections require careful care, and are afraid of humidity.

Wallpaper for painting. Such wallpapers can be made on paper, non -woven, synthetic or fiberglass base. Require further finishing.

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