Home Repair Decoration of the premises what is it?

Decoration of the premises what is it?

by miamigardens

The final stage of the repair is the interior decoration of the premises. It includes a number of repair work responsible for creating the final interior version in the form of how the designer developed it or you fantasized it yourself. When redevelopment, installation of windows, plastering, leveling and putty, installation of drywall and floors of the floors were carried out, we can assume that the basis for the final, final stage of repair. Before us is absolutely faceless walls, floor and ceiling of different shades of gray.

Now they have to give them the form of human housing, for which the finishing of the premises is made. This can be wallpaper wallpaper, installation of suspended or suspended ceilings, installation of plumbing, replacing wiring and electric outlets, laying flooring, decoration of walls and ceiling stucco molding, painting, laying tiles, installing interior doors and much more.

To carry out finishing work, it is better to invite a team of masters with a good reputation who carry out professional apartment renovation. Prices for work must be agreed in advance and be sure to draw up an estimate and sign a contract. So you will secure yourself that the repair will be carried out efficiently and on time.

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