Home Useful information I wanted a cake but it turned out ice cream

I wanted a cake but it turned out ice cream

by miamigardens

Each series about luntik is another exciting story that is not boring to watch either children or adults. Very kind and beautiful, this cartoon cheers up and charges with positive. And in every series there is its own wisdom, and its own "highlight" ..

It would seem, well, what is it – just take and bake delicious cake? But it wasn’t there-from this you can make a very entertaining plot, a real fabulous story. And Luntik himself, his friend Kuzya, and gosenitsa brothers, very pretty hooligans from the cartoon take part in it. It is not enough to purchase everything you need for a cake, you must convey these goodies to the house!

As always, inventive caterpillars are trying to spoil the holiday with their antics – then they will be created, then another, or even a bait for the luntik and Kuzi, will be thrown – perhaps they will be forgotten about an important business and will play, and the caterpillars will try to be at a waist. So that everyone becomes offended by everyone! And what kind of eccentricities will not arise among hooligans, which are truly fascinating ideas!.. Only now they try, they try-but it still can’t achieve their own-something, but it will definitely hurt. True, in the end, green rogues still achieve their own … but what came of it-you can find out if you watch the Luntik new episodes for free, at any convenient time.

The most interesting thing is that whatever the tricks are, as a result, it always comes out exactly what was planned at the very beginning of each story. And all the tricks of the disenferences can not overshadow pleasure. I want to make a cake – but it turned out the real ice cream that gave great pleasure to all the heroes of the cartoon. And the same caterpillars – all of them, although unwittingly, contributed to the fact that instead of the cake, the heroes of the cartoon tasted the wonderful ice cream. And the caterpillars, by the way, were also treated.


The full list of cartoons can be viewed on the site –

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