Home Landscaping Making a chair in the American style

Making a chair in the American style

by miamigardens

American style.

The manufacture of a chair of this type will take you much less time than creating a village -style chair, since its device is significantly easier. This design was invented by Thomas Lee, who in the early 1900s developed it for his family dacha in the village of Westport on the shore of Lake Shamplain in the state of New York.

Lumber necessary for the manufacture of a chair.

• Cedar board 10 feet long and with a cross section of 1 × 10 inches


• Cedar board 8 feet long and 1 × 10 inches

• Cedar board 10 feet long and 1 x4 -inch with a section


• screws No. 8 with a length of 1 A inch with semicircular heads, stainless steel

• screws No. 8 1 12 inches for the crossbar (h). From a board with a cross section of 1 x 4 inches, cut a blank 29 inch for a crossbar (I), two blanks with a length of 24 inch for the legs (K), a blank of 19 inch for the cross -member (L) and a harvest of 18 inches for the front bar (m ). Then cut off the braids (b), armrests (c) and console (e), then make cuts in the front legs (K), as indicated on the cutting diagram. Sow the upper edge of the crossbar (I) at an angle of 28 °, and the ends at an angle of 45 °.

Making a chair.

Attach the Kosuurs (b) to the front legs (K), using the square, as shown. Connect the front legs with each other, attaching the front bar (m) to them, and then inserting the cross -member (l) and fixing its ends with screws. Attach the seats (g) and (g) to your seats, having previously made angular cutouts the size of a % inch in the bar (g).

Attach the back planes (a) and (e) to the back edge of the seat at an angle of 12 °, then attach the triangular consoles (e) to the front legs (K). Determine the location of the crossbar (I), having the level on the consoles (E) and making the appropriate marks on the back planes, and then attach the crossbar. Attach the armrests (c) to the consoles (e) and the crossbar (and). Attach the back of the back (h) 3 inches below the upper edge of the seat.

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