Home Architecture Preparation of the premises for repair

Preparation of the premises for repair

by miamigardens

If you decide to make a small repair yourself, you will probably have to sweat. After all, despite the apparent lightness, cosmetic repairs are a rather laborious lesson. How to prepare and conduct it so that it is not remembered by you as an extremely serious test for the strength of the nerves and the volume of the wallet?

First, you need to properly prepare the room. Preparation begins with the removal of massive furniture from the rooms, or, at worst, you can make furniture in the center of the room. This is necessary in order to free the approach to the walls and ceiling. The flooring, if it does not change, is better to protect against damage and dirt, closing them with cardboard and polyethylene, and the lines of the joint of cardboard and the film are better to glue with tape so that they do not get down. It is better to glue the skirting board with a painting tape so that they do not be added or polluted. Ideally, before starting the repair, you need to de -energize the house, and remove the cladding from sockets and switches.

Next, cleaning the walls and ceiling from plaster and paint should be cleaned. The wallpaper tightly glued to the wall is moistened with water, and then removed using a spatula. If the surfaces of the windows and doors have a completely deplorable look, then you need to remove the paintwork from them. It is worth remembering that all work should be carried out if not new, then with a high -quality tool.

The cold floor is not very comfortable, especially when you have the first floor or private house. In this case, you need a warm floor that will warm your legs in any weather. The heating cable is safe and refractory, and it will not cause any inconvenience.


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