Home Repair Repair the ceiling removing defects

Repair the ceiling removing defects

by miamigardens

If various cracks appear on your ceiling, then the best option for their correction will be repairs. To remove cracks in brick or concrete surfaces. It is necessary to use putty on a cement basis. Try to close the cracks in high quality, because the further life of the ceiling will depend on this. If you want to save time to launch cracks, then use a material such as alabaster or a solution on a gypsum basis. Thus, the work will be completed faster, but its quality will be "limp". Therefore, it is better to use putty.

In order to make putty yourself, a lot of effort is not required. So, let’s begin. First of all, we will need to mix chalk with gypsum and add carpentry glue to this solution. Do not forget about the proportions. They should be such – 1: 2: 2. We calculate the proportion by weight of the mixture.

If the crack is deep, then it must be smeared with the mixture several times. And do not forget that with this method of eliminating the ceiling defects, it is necessary to allow each layer to dry well. A large crack is best glued with a glass with a net or ordinary bandage. If you do not have any material or another at hand, then use a sickle-this material will also help quite well when eliminating large cracks on the ceiling.

The seam of concrete slabs must be glued. If the ceiling is covered with enamel, and you want to paint it with water-emulsion paint, then the ceiling must be thrown completely. However, before applying the paint to putty, it is necessary to let putty dry and grate it with sandpaper. Only then will the surface be ready for complete new painting with water-emulsion paint.


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