Home Architecture Service maintenance of heating batteries why is it important?

Service maintenance of heating batteries why is it important?

by miamigardens

Cosiness and comfort in any room depends on a number of factors, among which the most important is maintaining the optimal level of heat. For heating private residential premises, autonomous water systems are usually used.

High demand for water heating is explained by the following factors:

Such a pipeline is economical.

One unit of water volume contains a larger amount of thermal energy than other heat carriers.


A comfortable temperature regime is achieved quickly.

One important nuance is all true only if the system is to care for the system. Professional and timely service of heating systems is the key to the absence of a number of problems during their operation.

Washing radiators: Features of the service

All individual heating structures from time to time require deep washing. The cleansing of the batteries from scale and rust helps to increase the service life of the system, increase its heat transfer. On their own, this event is not risked to produce most users. And this is correct, since the procedure is laborious, requires certain equipment and skills.

The washing of radiators is carried out by many specialized companies. Masters are constantly faced with solving similar problems, so they use an accurate, to the smallest detail, a verified algorithm of work. The flushing procedure begins with a visual inspection of the battery – the master checks all its functional parts, paying special attention to the locations of the radiator connection to the pipes.

Cleaning methods

Washing radiators can be carried out with a chemical or pneumatic hydraulic method. Elements contaminated with silt sediments can only be cleaned with the pneumatic hydraulic method, but only special chemical reagents will cope with a crust of corrosion phenomena. Most often, Castic soda is used in the framework of washing, adding it to ordinary water.

Procedure for the cleaning of batteries

At first, the radiators are dismantled – one hole is tightly closed, fluid is poured into the other for washing. Then the battery needs to be left for a couple of hours, after which the master will knock a kiyanka in sections in order to disconnect the resulting pollution.

Why do you need it?

Service maintenance of a water heating system – a demanded service. The purified elements can withstand maximum loads, water passage increases, as well as the efficiency of electric pump. If you want to extend the life of the batteries and increase their heat transfer, order the service of their washing.

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