According to American canons, the garden is located behind the house, which moves to the foreground and becomes the main element of the composition.
Behind it opens tranquil views of meadows and fields running into the distance. The house itself is painted in light shades and has simple architectural lines. What catches your eye in the first minutes of acquaintance with this direction of landscape art?
- A touch of negligence, which manifests itself both in the planning and in the care of the garden itself. One gets the feeling that the owners planted flowers at random, didn’t think much about laying the paths, and hastily mowed the lawn. This site is far from ideal. But this is precisely where its charm lies. The logic is simple: deliberate laziness indicates that the owners prefer to spend their time on relaxation, rather than constantly trimming bushes and lawns. At the same time, the spirit of luxury is not lost.
- An open space in which the American idea of freedom is read. Landscape design is devoid of a large number of decorative elements. The garden is filled with light that floods the entire space.
- The presence of a veranda, terrace or gazebo for relaxation. Here they place garden furniture and enjoy life, leaving aside all the bustle of the world.
- Simple and restrained color scheme. Despite the predominance of green shades, the garden reveals itself to the audience with a riot of colors. At the same time, the plantings fit harmoniously into the natural landscape, creating a single composition. Needless to say that all plantings are unpretentious? We think not.
- The predominance of stone and wood in the decoration of small architectural forms and decor. Such a solution emphasizes the closeness to nature, for the contemplation of which the style was created.