Home Architecture How artificial intelligence helps modern architecture develop

How artificial intelligence helps modern architecture develop

by marusia

Architecture naturally also depends on technological innovation. “Increasingly, intelligent systems are being integrated into buildings that can adapt to changing conditions and needs.

The use of sensors, smart control systems and automation capabilities make facilities more efficient, comfortable and manageable,” said Andrey Sofronov, managing partner of the ITEM architectural bureau.

Naturally, virtual architecture and metaverses become a field of constant experimentation. “Architects are using them to create innovative and interactive spaces, combining physical and virtual reality, and rethinking the interaction of people with the environment,” notes Andrey Sofronov.

The development of new technologies and standards for their ethical use will significantly influence the development of architectural thought in the near future, Starikov predicts. Against the backdrop of the hype around AI, the trend for 3D printing of houses, according to him, has slowed down a little, however, it will develop and, probably, the technology itself will improve significantly – this will remove many restrictions and create new, previously inaccessible architectural forms and spaces .


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