Home Design Spheres use of a solution of warm plaster

Spheres use of a solution of warm plaster

by miamigardens

The use of warm plaster as insulation of the building can successfully replace the insulation process using insulation materials. Warm plaster gives a good effect on the insulation of the building in temperate climatic conditions. Most houses from all building materials without exception are easy to finish the insulation plaster. Any surface made of stone, brick, concrete blocks and other materials lends itself to plastering with a solution of warm plaster.

All types of warm plaster are applicable in almost all spheres of finishing work of the building. And above all, it is the decoration of the facades of the building for wall insulation. Also, warm stucco can be used as additional insulation and sound insulation of the basement building, insulation of floors and ceiling ceiling. By the way, do not forget to install new shower corners, they are not very expensive.

The plastered solution “Warm plaster” is also used for finishing work on the insulation layer using polystyrene foam plates. Warming plaster creates an additional barrier for the cold and protects the insulation material from moisture and other environmental factors. Warm plaster is also used using a reinforced mesh and without it.

In addition to its positive indicators, warm plaster has its drawbacks. And the first such significant drawback of warm plaster is its severity. Compared to insulation with the help of warming synthetic materials, warm plaster exceeds the severity of even up to ten units per square meter. The second significant drawback of warm plaster is that it is not a finish plaster that could protect from moisture. To protect warm plaster from external factors and moisture, treatment with primer solutions and finishing plaster is required, which affects the increase in the severity of the walls and thickening of the plaster layer.


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